Following the December holidays, it can be difficult to get back into a good rhythm at work. People are distracted, telling stories from the holidays and trying to shake off those new year’s eve hangovers. You’ve got a long winter ahead of you and this can sometimes make people restless and unfocused. Unfortunately, this lack … Continue reading “3 Simple Tips When You Get Hurt At Work”
So far this month on the blog we’ve had a chance to discuss safety on foot and on the roads around the holiday season and how those issues are correlated to the Ontario Occupier’s Liability act and the Statutory Accidents Benefits system – respectively. If you’ve read these entries then you already know: when you … Continue reading “Christmas Edition Part Three: Stay Safe On The Job”
One of the things we always emphasize with our clients is the need for vigilance and quick acting in a situation where you are injured at work. It’s plain to see if you take a minute to study the WSIB website that you are obligated to report to them if an injury or illness caused … Continue reading “Don’t Be A Tough Guy, Claim Your Benefits!”
Personal Injury Claims | December 19th, 2017
Part One: Travelling for Pleasure Injuring yourself in a foreign country can be extremely frightening, and securing your compensation for such an injury can be complicated and confusing. In a situation such as this, the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer can make all the difference. When you are on vacation, you are focused … Continue reading “The Ins & Outs Of Personal Injury When Travelling”
Car Accident Claims | December 19th, 2017
Christmas is the busiest travel season of the year, with everyone pin-balling from one place to the next: driving, flying, taking the train, families hop relentlessly from one event to the next trying to please all the aunts and uncles, grandparents and in-laws. With all of that travelling, things can get a little hairy; with … Continue reading “Christmas Edition Part Two: Stay Safe On The Road”