Toronto: 190 Attwell Drive, Suite 300. Toronto, ON, M9W 6H8
Scarborough: 1063 McNicoll Ave, Suite 100. Scarborough, ON, M1W 3W6


Understanding The Complexities Of Private Insurance And Tort Cases In Ontario

In Ontario, most drivers who end up in an auto-collision are covered to some degree under the insurance provided by their employers. This may be confusing to many people who pay good money for auto insurance, since the insurance company may not have to pay a dime depending on the severity of their injury. If … Continue reading “Understanding The Complexities Of Private Insurance And Tort Cases In Ontario”

The Value Of Educating Yourself Before You Are Injured

The time following a workplace injury can be extremely stressful, and not just physically — psychological stress can be a huge factor as well. Although your health should be the highest priority, it’s easy to understand why your thoughts may naturally gravitate towards monetary issues, especially if you have a family to provide for. If … Continue reading “The Value Of Educating Yourself Before You Are Injured”

Most Common WSIB Claim Injuries #3 – Fall Protection Violations

Hello and welcome back to another Goodman Elbassiouni LLP blog post. In our most recent posts, we have written about a couple of the most common causes for workplace accidents and we’ll continue that theme today, because we feel that the more informed our readers are, the more likely they will be able to prevent … Continue reading “Most Common WSIB Claim Injuries #3 – Fall Protection Violations”


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