Here at Goodman Elbassiouni LLP, we prioritize getting our clients the compensation they deserve when they are injured on the job. Having staff members who worked with the WSIB for up to 20 years certainly doesn’t hurt, nor does having licensed paralegals who also worked with the WSIB. Realistically, however, as we take on more … Continue reading “Creating A Culture Of Safety In The Winter”
Injuries are unfortunately a common occurrence in Canadian workplaces, and none more so than within the construction fields. Construction can come with a great deal of risk due to the nature of the work and the means with which it is completed. As much as we try to minimize incidents, accidents do happen and it … Continue reading “Most Common WSIB Claim Injuries #2 – Scaffolding”
Personal Injury Claims | November 21st, 2017
When you’re hurt on the job, there are so many things to worry about that putting together a coherent argument to ensure your compensation can often take a backseat. Think about it: you’ve got your health and recovery to think about, your family and a plethora of other logistical matters. In most situations, workers will … Continue reading “4 Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer”
Here at Goodman Elbassiouni LLP we are constantly working to advocate on behalf of our clients who have had the unfortunate experience of being injured at work. As much as we would love to believe that every workplace was completely safe and harmless, unfortunately we know that this is not the case. The truth is, … Continue reading “Most Common WSIB Claim Injuries #1 – Ladders”